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Ultimate Guide to USPS Mail Forwarding in Los Angeles: 3 Tools You Need

Ultimate Guide to USPS Mail Forwarding in Los Angeles: 3 Tools You Need

USPS Mail Forwarding Los Angeles Basics

If you are based in Los Angeles, or need to forward mail from LA to another location the USPS offers a bunch of service that can help you. Either online or at a local USPS location there are options to get mail forwarding done right. There are free basic services from the Postal Service for mail forwarding, and then higher end services for more flexibility, but these services can add up. We will go over all these options, and some that are non post office related that may be a better fit for your needs.

Thatch has a mail processing facility in Carson, in Los Angeles County that receives, scans, and processes your mail and delivers all your mail to your email box to make sure you are on top of any notices or communication. Get a Los Angeles Business Address that will look professional with free physical mail storage for 30 days that will act as your virtual business address. You can also use Thatch for a personal address to act as your new permanent mailing address to stop the change hassle forever.

  • go to
  • select the type of people moving (you, your family, your business)
  • add your contact information (name, email, phone)
  • answer the question if it is temporary or permanent
  • add a start date
  • add your old mailing info
  • add your new mailing info
  • make a payment

Thats it! Just a one page form, its pretty simple overall to complete.

  • **Enrollment of $23.40 - $25.45 **as of this writing. This is a one time fee to start service
  • Weekly Fee of $25.45, which comes out to $1323.40 for one year of forwarding
  • Thatch: Thatch offers a virtual mailbox service that collects and scans all of your mail for you. You can have any mail forwarded to anywhere you are in the world or just view it online just like email. If you move 10 times, you never have to change your address again!
  • Mint: Is a bill tracking service and subscription management service. You can always be sure you are on top of any outstanding bills, and easily cancel any bills that you dont want anymore.
  • USPS Informed Delivery: To make sure that there is absolutely nothing else you will miss, sign up for a free informed delivery account on the usps website. This will allow you to get a picture of most envelopes that are still sent to your home or business address.

  • First class mail - free
  • Priority mail - free
  • Priority mail express - free
  • First class package - free
  • USPS retail ground - not free
  • Media mail - not free
  • Marketing mail - not forwarded (great way to stop unwanted mail and junk mail!)
  • 6 Month Extension - $19.95
  • 12 Month Extension - $29.95
  • 18 Month Extension - $39.95

You can also extend in increments, so if you sign up for a 6 month extension, you can request an additional 6 months or 12 months thereafter

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